Tuesday, October 05, 2010

US to announce an increase in contribution to the Global Fund

The Obama Administration is expected to announce an increase in the amount the US contributes to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis. The US is already the largest contributor to the fund, but will begin giving 4 billion dollars over the next three years.

The 4 billion dollars still falls short of the 6 billion that many advocates were hoping for. The increase from the US will still not be enough to offset the decreases made by other governments during the global economic recession.

The US will call for some reforms to the Global Fund with the new money. The US wants the Global Fund to cut waste and to report to the US on any improvements during the next three years.

From the Wall Street Journal, writer Betsy McKay gives us this further description of the announcement.

The U.S.—the largest contributor by far to the Global Fund, with more than $5.1 billion donated since 2002—is pressing the organization to develop an "action agenda" with timelines and measurements, "so that all parties concerned ... can be held accountable," a senior administration official said Monday.

The U.S. will measure progress annually and as it considers contributions beyond 2013, the official said.

The Global Fund accounts for a quarter of international financing to combat HIV/AIDS, and the bulk of funds to fight tuberculosis and malaria. It is seeking to attract at least $13 billion, and as much as $20 billion, from more than 40 countries, private foundations and corporations between 2011 and 2013. Pledges for the past three years totaled $9.7 billion.

Global Fund officials welcomed the anticipated U.S. pledge and the push for reform. "We look forward to working with the U.S. to further enhance reforms we're already undertaking and to listen to any other suggestions for improvements," a spokesman said.

The U.S. pledge represents a 38% increase over the $2.9 billion it contributed between fiscal 2008 and fiscal 2010. Though it has been made for multiple years rather than on an annual basis, the pledge will be subject to Congressional appropriations each year.

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